…(4) my whole day in BULLET POINTS..

So this is about my Sunday(yesterday);-

  • woke up at 5:30AM to darkness that we have experienced since Friday due to a transformer blowing up in the wee hours of the morning. Since I haven’t gotten round to specifying weekend/weekday alarm time, I wake up this early irrespective of my go-to bed time or day of the week
  • check my phone for anything interesting; find two moves on words with friends – an app that works like scrabble. Take my turn although I am losing on one with five letters left and almost no word – but I am #team it ain’t over till it’s over – lol
  • browse my instragam and there’s not so much interesting stuff today. Well, apart from the guys who went for rhino charge most pics are all about last night – nothing new
  • already 7:00AM and I need to prepare breakfast for mini-me although she will wake up at around nine o’clock
  • watch several music videos on my laptop until it powers off. A few minutes past eight and not so much to do without electricity – I need to get a Sunday life outside movies and TV series
  • lightly clean and arrange the living room, although my heart is not in it
  • have breakfast at half past eight, take a shower and lazy around for thirty mins or so
  • finally settle on Outfit Of  The Day – some simple Denim on Denim and a statement necklace. Make a mental note to buy another denim top
  • mini-me is awake as estimated and had breakfast. Any other Sunday, she would be on the desktop improving her practical knowledge but with no lights – that ain’t happening
  • 10:30AM, the sun is out so naturally swimming is the plot to follow through
  • I call up a friend and luckily she is also going swimming with her’s. She show’s up at mine thirty minutes or so later, they leave almost immediately.
  • take my emergency light and laptop and head to the office. Gotta recharge them if we’ll end up spending another “dark” night since there’s still no sign of those KPLC guys
  • out of the door by 12:04PM, commute to the CBD takes less than fifteen minutes – the first exciting thing to happen since morning
  • practically spend the rest of the afternoon, just browsing the net, whatsapping to stop myself from going for some retail therapy.
  • receive an invite for late lunch and some drinks at a girlfriend’s. Sadly turn it down since the power situation is not ideal for late night arrivals
  • mini-me calls at around 2:30PM – THE LIGHTS ARE BACK – those KPLC guys are humane after all. Breaks into a mini dance. The things we do when excited
  • pack up immediately for home. Call up my girl, that invite is still open.
  • home by 3:10PM
  • dinner ready by 4:30PM
  • showered and all doled up by 5:30PM
  • my babysitter for the night comes with her daughter(our arrangement for when she has to sleep over during the weekend)
  • out of the house by 6:00PM
  • its gonna be a fun night – the cooler kids say #turntup or #turndownforwhat
  • dance my night away knowing tomorrow is still a public holiday

..call me B..

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